Monday, February 24, 2014

First Week Accomplished

We completed our first week at the MTC.  We spent everyday in classes and learned and learned and learned, with LOTS and LOTS of role playing. Not our kind of thing but we did it. There was 84 senior missionaries is our group this past week, or 42 couples. And 1600 young Elders and Sisters.  We had a really fun group of Senior Missionaries in our district, so we had lot of fun too.  There was Clair and Janet Jaussi from Provo UT going to Novosibirsk Russia, Larry and Nona Thompson from Blackfoot Idaho area going to Slovenia, Douglas and Judy Erickson from Beaver UT serving in the St George mission, but living in their own home and serving in their home stake in Beaver, then of course Marshall and I going to Scotland Ireland. We had a very diverse but fun group.The Thompson's and us are left because we are both CES couples and have to attend this weeks training. 
  This week we are in CES training for two and a half days. We will be done Wed afternoon and then have the afternoon to repack our stuff and get ready to fly out on Thur morning.
We have been able to spend some time visiting with Grandma, Grandpa, Geralyn, Keith, Terry, Dean and last but not least Ryan.  It has been fun to spent time with them.  They fed us well which was a bonus. There is volumes and volumes of food here at the MTC, but it is less than tasty.
Got to face time with Hallie, Jaxson, Kamryn, Addie and Kimber last night and then with Kendilyn, Savanna, Mason, Rylee, Brooklyn and Ethan this afternoon. Missed seeing Gavin he was napping. Was so fun to talk to them and see all their smiling faces and hear their voices. I loved them calling out Nana and Papa. Sure do miss them.
When I write again next week we will be in Scotland.


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