Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Oh my... oh my.... oh my....... so much to get done.  Grateful that we are getting to leave earlier but one thing after another just keeps popping up.  This visa thing is a nightmare, and the UK is easy to get a visa for, or so they tell us at the travel service.  I hope we get them in time.  I am wondering how I am going to pack for 18 months in two 50 lb bags. It has become a challenge. May have to do with less than I want.  As Marshall says, "all you need is three or four dresses/skirts",,,,,,,, ya I don't think so.  I'd like to at least wear a different outfit each day of the week, then start over the following week.  That too much to ask? Friday the 14th is coming really fast.  This is going to be one long Valentines date for 18 month date.  Couldn't ask for a better date. 
Saying goodby to our grandchildren is proving to be way too hard.  We've said our goodbye's to the Mesa/Phoenix bunch. Tears and more tears.  The kids don't get it that we are going away for a long time. They are so use to us coming and going. I think it may be hardest on the Gallup grands. They are accustomed to us being around all the time. Well..... guess that's all of my thoughts for now.....


  1. Thinking of you guys today. Wishing you the best as you go to the MTC tomorrow. We were so glad we got to spend an evening with you and your kids before you left. Can't wait to read all the details and events of your mission. Thanks for sharing via this blog. Enjoy each moment! Lvs!

  2. So good to have seen you! I look forward to following you through your mission via your blog. Have an awesome time.
