Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Notice anything wrong???

Yep I'm getting old.  We had to go to the grocery store and as we are walking down the isle of the store my hips begin to hurt and I feel like I am walking off kelter.  I look down and this is what I see.  Both are black shoes but one is higher than the other.  Now you ask how could I possibly get all the way to the store before noticing???? Well to be truthful the roads and sidewalks here are very uneven so I am use to walking on uneven surfaces.  No excuse for how come I didn't notice that the shoes looked different.  Like I said I'm getting old.  Just thought I'd share one of our funniest moments.

Our words for this post: take out= take away,  pick up = collect,  carpenter= joiner,  windshield = windscreen,  master bedroom = en-suite,  living room = lounge

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