Friday, May 2, 2014

320 Mile Trip

Yesterday we journeyed (traveled) over 320 miles doing flat inspections.  As senior missionaries one of our responsibilities is to inspect the missionary's flats and make sure that they are doing well in their work, companionship's and are healthy. It is fun to meet and get to know the Elders and Sisters as we travel about.  We have met some really awesome missionaries who are working hard at what they have been called to do here in Scotland. Our mission has 50  Sisters, ( each mission has a quota of how many Sister missionaries they can have and ours is 50, so we have as many as we are allowed to have)  approximately 150  Elders, and 17 Senior Couples.
In the past two weeks we have inspected over a dozen flats. Got to see lots of country.
We left Edinburgh yesterday morning at about 8am and drove to Greenock, then to Beith, then on to Stranraer, then Dumfries, getting home about 8pm.  Even though we didn't drive that many miles for as long as it took us, it takes much much longer to cover miles here because of all the narrow country roads. Was a beautiful drive. That's the bonus of getting to do flat inspections is we get to see and enjoy the country that we drive through.
These pictures are just some we took yesterday:

This was taken down around Stranraer, it is a huge rock,( not a mountain but a ROCK), that was just sticking up all by itself out in  the ocean. We could see it as we drove along for a really long time.

These two pictures were taken between Greenock on west coast and Beith a little south and east of Greenock.

Those rock walls in the top picture are the fences all through the fields throughout the countryside. I can not imagine the work and the hours spent in building so many walls from all those millions and millions of rocks.  It was green and beautiful on our whole drive.
One of the things that has surprised me here is that the grass is green year around.  It gets really cold here, but guess they have hearty grass. The trees and flowers are in full bloom now. It was like it happened over night. I have never seen SO many flowering trees.

These next four pictures were taken between Dumfries and Edinburgh:

words for this post:   RV and or travel trailer = caravan,   on and off ramps for freeways  = on and off slips,  crosswalk= zebra crossing,  dresser= cupboard,  passing lane sign= overtake lane,  trip= journey,  closets= wardrobes, 

cherrio da noo,  until next time

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