Sunday, August 17, 2014

What a week!!!!

This was our last week in the office, and what a week it was. It was also transfer week and that is the busiest week and it happens every 6 weeks.
This week included along with everything we have to accomplish in the office a trip on Tue to the Glasgow airport, an hour away, to take an Elder to catch a plane home to Canada. Wednesday Marshall picked up a Senior Couple at Edinburgh Airport, and then spent several hours with them taking them shopping and teaching them how to use a sat nav ( GPS unit) also answering all of their many questions, showing them how to get to their area etc. then on Thursday both of us picked up a Sister at the Edinburgh airport and the only thing that arrived with her was her carry on bag. So Marshall helped her talk to the powers that Be and found out her luggage was still in London.  Luckily she has an extra outfit in her carry on. We took her to her area in Alloa which is about 45 minutes drive. One of her pieces showed up at the mission office yesterday and hopefully the other will come this morning by noon if not we will take the one piece to her this afternoon and then the other one whenever it arrives. That way she will have more than two things to wear.
Our YSA responsibilities are about to kick off again. We have many going home to the States, China or wherever they live and then many more arriving.  The next few weeks our YSA group will be much different than  the one we have had for the past 6 months, except for the young adults that are from here.  Institute will start up again the middle of September when University starts up again. We are looking forward to seeing what and who  this new school year brings.
The end of our office duty has worked well with the timing of our YSA duties getting ready to get back to full swing.
A week ago yesterday the young adults planned a multi stake dinner dance and it had a great turn out and all had a fun time. A young couple who were once YSA here before they married said it was the best YSA event that they had ever seen.(they were our DJ's for the dance)  One thing we struggle with here with these young people is sticking with a plan. They change their plans an hour or two before the event or don't get the word out until the last minute then wonder why they have terrible turn out. For this dinner dance we really pushed them to plan early, get the word out 6 weeks ahead of event etc.  Then 4 days before the event they wanted to push it back a night and Marshall wouldn't let them. After all, the word was out in several stakes and there was just no way, plus it was a dumb idea after all the planning and work they had done.
We are hoping that they learned a lesson from that experience.  That if you make a plan, advertise ahead of time and don't go switching dates etc. that your activities/events will be well attended. We shall see, these young people just think differently than us old folks.
We have had a beautiful summer and got to enjoy several nice warm, dry days.  Its starting to cool off now and feels like fall is in the air. Not looking forward to the long dark days of winter. As hard has it has been to sleep at night because it hasn't been dark for more than 4-5 hours at night, I prefer the long hours of light to the long hours of dark.
Last night all the senior missionaries were invited to a BBQ at a less active member's home.  Well the wife and kids are active but the husband is not. He is from New Zealand and was a pro Rugby player till he got hurt a couple years ago. He looks like a big husky Samoan, his wife is from here in Edinburgh. We met him through looking for flats for the missionaries. He is a letting agent about 30 miles from here, he helped us find a nice flat in the area he works. They are a  super nice family they have a girl about 5 and a boy about 3. He is a return missionary and is great friends with lots of members so don't know why he has quit going to church. We invited them to dinner a month or so ago so we will just keep trying to get him back into activity, without being pushy.  He definitely will not take kindly to pressure. It was a great evening and the food was excellent.  He did the meat and we all did the sides and desserts.
Until next time, cherrio   

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