Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Jacobite Train Ride

We went on a train ride last weekend up in the highlands. It was a 84 mile round trip ride. The trip started in Fort William to Mallaig and back again.  It was a little disappointing in that there was so many trees and rocky hills along the track that we didn't get to see much country.  We were able to take a few pictures when there was a break in the foliage and or rocks. Because we took pictures from the train window there is a lot of window glare in the pictures.  The Jacobite train is the train that was used for the Hogwarts Express in the Harry Potter movies.  Except the engine that pulled us was black instead of the red one in the movies.

The purple flowers is heather, it is just blooming now and is beautiful

just a beautiful view

Cool old church that is just sitting out in the middle of nowhere

Jacobite train

Jacobite train engine


Mallaig the small sea port village at end of train ride. There was about a two hour layover there until we got back on train to head back to Fort Williams.

The picture of the waterfall was taken on the drive as we were heading home.

That's all for this trip..

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