Wednesday, September 3, 2014

mission sweat shop

july 2014
Our mission president's wife Sister Brown makes tartan pillow cases and gives them with a new pillow to each incoming young missionary.  I personally do not know how she has kept up with it for the past two years, as we often get 10 - 25 in every 6 ish weeks. I was talking about it with a couple of the Sister's in the office staff and I told them  I would be glad to help sew. As it turned out the office sisters decided to all gather and have a sewing circle.  Six of us gathered in the dinning room of the mission home and sewed 33 pillow cases in 3 1/2 hours

The rest of this post is now several weeks later and we have had another sewing session and made another batch of pillowcases. Here are pictures of our mission sweat shop. Some were taken the first time and some the second time.
Sister Brown spreading tartan. Sister Hansen on left
Sister Wagar in orange ironing Sister Lowrey in black ironing, Sister Hansen in beige with back to camera and Sister Boden in white shirt sewing

From left: Sister Wagar, Sister Brown, Sister Ferguson, Sister Jones, Sister Boden

From left: Sister Brown in front, me in Back, Sister Boden in Back, Sister Wagar, Sister Ferguson
Sister Boden and I do all the sewing and the other sisters fold and iron. We usually do all the cutting on a night previous to our sewing night. We have a system and it goes fast.  Sister Brown appreciates that we can sew so many in just a couple hours when it took her weeks by herself.  (What was she thinking??)

  Until next time


  1. So I'm assuming there are at least a couple if machines to sew on? That must feel good even if it's not a "fun" project.

  2. Does that make you feel right at home?? Great project--ambitious.
